I’m Paola, and I write and speak about life, faith, and theology. My goal: to think biblically about all of life.
I enjoy speaking at college campuses, women’s conferences, and ministry events.
With 15+ years of corporate experience brought to a halt by burnout, I love to speak on identity and purpose from a biblical perspective, using the Bible as the compass to delve into the tension of what we do and who we are. Value, meaning, and purpose are core themes in all my work.
As both an immigrant and a Third Culture Kid, I like to explore what it looks like to have a theology of place that stems from cultivating a theology of God.
Finally, and most importantly, I’m passionate about helping others uncover Truth in the Bible to let it illumine the way we think, and thus our actions. Because what we think colors much of how we feel, which in turn drives the decisions we make.
Topics I’ve covered:
Identity & purpose
Home & belonging
Bible Literacy - How to read and study Scripture
I’d love to gauge with you how I may serve your audience. Please read this helpful article to know what I will need from you and then complete the Speaking Form below so I can learn what are your needs. I can also speak and teach in Spanish or French, and I’m happy to serve in that capacity. Simply indicate if your event is in one of those languages. Looking forward to connecting!
Relevant McGill, McGill University, Montreal, Canada - January 13-17, 2020: God and Home: An immigrant’s reflections
Women Encouraged Conference, Alberta, Canada - March 8-9 2019: Identity & Eternal Perspective: Whose we are makes all the difference
Église de Verdun, Montréal, Canada- March 24 2019: Atelier- Savoir comment agir commence par savoir le plan de Dieu
(workshop in French)
First Presbyterian Church of Douglasville, Georgia, USA - November 22 2019: Renewal: How the hard is still part of the good story He’s writing
“It was a delight to have Paola speak at Women Encouraged 2019! She was engaging, thoughtful, practical, and her words ministered truth and grace. Paola truly left everyone hungry for more. Over and over, we've heard from the women who attended that they want to hear her speak again! “
- Bethany Barendregt, Director of Women Encouraged
“I have seen Paola grow significantly in the years I have known her - and I am so excited to see her passion and gifting grow beyond the benefit of our local church. I know that many women within Church 21 have grown in their understanding of who God is and who they are as a result of the impact of her ministry. What is so helpful about Paola is that she doesn’t live in the world of ideas but brings them to the ground of application. Her teaching would be impactful wherever there is a desire for the Lord and His Word to lead.”
- Dwight Bernier, Director of Acts 29 Canada
“Paola’s life experience gives her an insight into the value of the study of Christian identity. I have been personally ministered to by her truth-telling; her sincere love and concern for those around her make Paola a fabulous speaker and writer. Grabbing attention and keeping it is her forte, next she succinctly gets simple and profound truth to the listeners in an easy-to-understand manner.”
-Teresa Klassen, 39.
“J’ai eu le privilège de faire partie d’un groupe de discussion avec Paola, ainsi que de participer à un atelier qu’elle a dirigé. Paola a réellement un don pour s’exprimer et pour encourager. Elle m’a beaucoup apporté par son écoute, ses questions et réflexions, et ses conseils. Elle s’exprime toujours avec beaucoup de couleur, et de clarté, mais ce qui est d’autant plus particulier est comment on peut ressentir cette connexion et proximité qu’elle entretien avec Dieu.”
- Naomi Leduc, 32.
"Having known Paola for about 6 years, I can attest to the fact that digging deep into God's Word for wisdom, direction, joy and encouragement, is central to Paola's life. Not only is she characterized by this but she delights in making Him and His Word known to others. I had the pleasure of attending a workshop on ‘How to Study the Bible’ which she led a few years back and left so encouraged and equipped. It was fantastic! The teaching was well-communicated, intentional, organized and very practical. I have always loved Paola's joyful heart for people, and her beautiful sense of humour, as well as her deep compassion for those who struggle with life events. Paola is certain to be of encouragement to anyone who has the opportunity to hear her speak."
-Sheila Long, 55
"I had the pleasure of attending two of Paola’s speaking events in 2016 and 2017. Paola is a wise speaker, and adept storyteller. She connects with her audience with compassion and warmth, at once helping her audience feel seen and loved where they are, and challenged to grow. Her talks are well-researched, and demonstrate consistent theological clarity, presented in a relatable way. I hope to attend another one of her events soon, and wholeheartedly endorse her to speak at your next conference or event!"
-Jenny Fulford, 24.
Paola est une conférencière bénie de Dieu et elle nous bénie à son tour dans ses enseignement. Avec justesse, clarté et douceur, elle expose nos cœurs, et en utilisant la Parole de Dieu, nous exhorte, nous encourage, à changer, par la puissance du Saint-Esprit qui est en nous, en comprenant et nous soumettant à la volonté de notre Seigneur Jésus- Christ, en reconnaissant notre dépendance de Dieu, notre besoin de repentance, et en recevant le don de Sa grâce, Sa compassion, Son pardon, sa Miséricorde. Elle tourne nos regard vers notre grand Dieu. Merci Paola!
-Nicole Sauvé, 58.
"Paola occupies a space in my life both as a dear friend and as a leading thinker in our church. She's on a short list of speakers we've used for our women's ministry events, as well as a welcoming presence from the front. It continues to be amazing to see how God has called her gifting out of the corporate world and into Christian community, and how faithfully she is seeking to be obedient to this call."
- Brian Stegner, Writer & Church Planter
“I’ve attended two workshops led by Paola in our local church in 2016 and 2017. When speaking, her presence is inviting and she conveys a heartfelt passion for the Bible. I have personally benefited from her commitment to understanding and conveying truth. I have also been deeply impacted by the wealth of insight she brings from her experience in corporate work and mentorship.”
-Rebekah M., 30.
“Paola is a confident, authentic and conscientious communicator. Confident, because she knows what she is talking about and where she wants to lead her audience. Authentic, because she is not afraid to engagingly share the intimate parts of her brokenness and life’s struggles. Conscientious, because in spite of all the great things she says and how well she says them, she is humbly mindful of her need for Jesus and is careful to give him glory, always.”
- Brian Alton, Pastor & Counselor, Church 21 - Montreal, Canada